Uniform Domestic Relations Forms
Uniform Domestic Relations Forms
When the Ohio Supreme Court published Affidavits 1 through 5 of the Uniform Domestic Relations Forms in July of 2010, it was intended that the new forms would provide attorneys with a standardized set of forms for dealing consistently with various common aspects of family law cases in different jurisdictions, i.e., information regarding health insurance, income and assets, debts and expenses, and parenting information.
In July 2013, the Supreme Court added a second set of forms—Forms 6 through 31—which provided a more complete set of domestic and juvenile forms for family lawyers. Read on and learn why this application was cited by the American Bar Association's GP Solo Magazine as the "best software" for family lawyers.
How Can Uniform Domestic Relations Forms (UDRF) Help You?
Streamlined Efficiency. In a typical law practice, there are plenty of less complicated domestic matters, the handling of which can be streamlined by using uniform forms. It’s what the Courts often use themselves to minimize paperwork when parties are not represented.
Here's How To Increase Your Productivity
Avoid the Math. Affidavits 1 and 2 of the uniform forms have hundreds of numeric fields that are subtotaled and totaled to determine total income, total expenses, net income, and other relevant financial data. When you use UDRF, all the arithmetic (including continuation pages) is done automatically. Better yet, if you make a change to any of these fields, all the related dependent fields update instantly.
Learn what tax preparers learned decades ago—no one completes forms like these without software. If you’re thinking about the web forms, remember they don’t do math. Also, changing numbers might not be important if clients were perfect and presented all their documentation in the first interview. But that never happens. So, when a client brings in forgotten or changed information, every dependent field (like subtotals and totals) must be recalculated. UDRF makes it quick and easy. Just enter the change, and everything else will update automatically. Ready to print in seconds.
Automate Continuation Pages. Affidavit 2 of the uniform forms has accommodations for five items of furniture and appliances, five secured debts, and five unsecured debts. There are similar limits on all other financial categories. If you've got more, you'll be making up continuation schedules. Using UDRF, roughly 25 separate types of continuation schedules can be attached to the Affidavits. How about the court's web forms? You’ll be disappointed to learn you’re on your own. UDRF has provisions for nearly unlimited continuation pages that can be attached to the Affidavits, and the organization and subtotaling of their information is all handled automatically.
Once Is Enough. UDRF has another major league advantage over manual completion—entering repetitive information once (for example, the parties’ names and addresses, date of marriage, county name, case number, etc. All this information automatically transfers to the appropriate forms and fields. Form 6 – Complaint for Divorce Without Children is an excellent example. UDRF completed the complaint in its entirety! As far as you’re concerned, there’s nothing to do except review the completed form. All this information must be entered manually into the web forms—and again, in the Separation Agreement—and again, in the Judgment Entry. What a classic waste of time! UDRF completes nearly 1,000 fields as soon as you complete the worksheet.
Save Everything In One File. At the end of a case, you’ve got more than one document: a complaint for divorce, a reply to a counterclaim, affidavits describing a party’s income, property, expenses and debt, health insurance affidavit, parenting affidavit, separation agreement, judgment entry, parenting plan and sometimes more. The court’s web forms can only be saved as individual files. That means your client information is scattered about your hard drive. Easy to make mistakes. Easy to lose information. UDRF, on the other hand, is more organized and efficient, making it easier to access all of a client's forms and affidavits in one file.
Make Changes A Better Way. Changes often involve whiteout and a typewriter or reopening the file (if you were able to save it). Things can get tricky if a change involves dollar amounts because the Affidavits involve subtotaling and totaling monetary amounts by category. With web forms, you must hunt down all the dependent fields and continuation pages and update their totals. This reduces efficiency in a big way. With UDRF, by contrast, you simply reopen the file, make the change, and click the print button. In seconds, all the affidavits and forms in the file are updated automatically and instantaneously.
Avoid Internet Problems. Web forms are subject to the vagaries of the Internet, such as file errors (“File Not Found”), website problems (“Page Not Available”), and Internet issues in general (“Can’t Connect To Internet”). This is never a problem with UDRF. If your computer’s working, you’re in business.
Windows Compatibility. Windows 11, 10, and 8.
Mac Version Available. All Mac versions, however, Microsoft's Word for Mac is required.
Open & Save Files To Disk. Unlike many PDF web forms, UDRF lets you open and save your client information on your hard drive or network server—an indispensable feature for making revisions.
General Information Worksheet for assembling and automatically completing the common, repetitive fields on the various affidavits.
Auto-Text-Fit. If you've got a bit more information than will fit on a given line, UDRF will automatically shrink the font size until the text fits.
Auto Updates. UDRF checks for updates every time it starts. If an update is available, it provides a notice, and you decide whether you want to install the update.
Included Forms & Documents
- Affidavit 1. Affidavit of Income and Expenses
- Affidavit 2. Affidavit of Property
- Affidavit 3. Parenting Proceeding Affidavit
- Affidavit 4. Health Insurance Affidavit
- Affidavit 5. Motion and Affidavit or Counter Affidavit for Temporary Orders Without Oral Hearing
- Form 6. Complaint for Divorce Without Children
- Form 7. Complaint for Divorce With Children
- Form 8. Counterclaim for Divorce
- Form 9. Answer to Complaint for Divorce Without Children
- Form 10. Answer to Complaint for Divorce With Children
- Form 11. Final Judgment for Divorce Without Children
- Form 12. Final Judgment for Divorce With Children
- Form 13. Judgment Entry Converting Interest in Real Estate
- Form 14. Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and Waiver of Service of Summons
- Form 15. Judgment Entry of Dissolution of Marriage
- Form 16. Separation Agreement
- Form 17. Shared Parenting Plan
- Form 18. Parenting Plan
- Form 19. Parenting Judgment Entry
- Form 20. Complaint for Parentage, Allocation of Parental Rights
- Form 21. Motion for Contempt and Affidavit
- Form 22. Show Cause Order, Notice and Instructions to Clerk
- Form 23. Motion for Change of Parenting Time
- Form 24. Motion for Change of Parental Rights and Reponsibilities
- Form 25. Motion for Change of Child Support, Medical Support ...
- Form 26. Explanation of Health Care Bills
- Form 27. Waiver of Service of Summons
- Form 28. Request for Service
- Form 29/Form 8. Explanation of Health Care Bills
- Form 30/Form 9. Waiver of Service of Summons
- Form 31/Form 10. Request for Service
- Notice of Appearance
- Oath of Petitioner
- Certificate of Service
- Generic Case Caption
More Ways To Save
If you're looking for savings, check out our discounted combination packs. Not only are these programs a valuable set of tools for any Ohio practitioner of family law, but the more you buy, the more you save.
Family Combo 2 - This package contains the number one child support software in the State of Ohio -- Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines -- coupled with UDRF. It's only $248.98. Save over $80 off the list price of these two programs. When ordering, check the Family Combo 2 checkbox.
Family Triple Pack - This package contains our three amily law apps: Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines, Ohio Spousal Support Calculator, and UDRF. Only $397.50. Save over $130 off the list price of these three apps.