Current Versions

Table of Application Version Information




Version 2.01 - Correct splash screen; fix automatic update function (Version 2.00 users will need to use the manual upgrade function on Help menu); increase trapping for illegal entries and associated error messages. Version 2.02 & 2.03 - Add missing schedule.rtf and schedule.dat files to installation (corrects error on Display Schedule). Version 2.04 - Minor rounding deviations occurring in displayed schedule not affecting base calculation. 

Basic Ohio Probate Forms



Version 8.01 - Initial release. Version 8.02 - Correction to calculation of Form 13.0/13.1. Version 8.03 - Correct import wb7 file import Form 13 category; correct first kin error on Form 1.0(F). Version 8.04 - Add test for attorney fee assets without category; update form 5.1 screen for new exemption. Version 8.05 - Fix Form 13 transfer error for category realty transferred. Version 8.06 - Alter tree view font & style settings; change color set for worksheets; fix Form 5.6 field completion; overrideable checkboxes. Version 8.07 - Add page127.dat file to install (Form 9.C). Version 8.08 - Modify Print Select dialog to include 9.C; correct link for Display menu General Information. Version 8.09 - Correct gender error to enclosure letters. Version 8.10 - Fix Form 5.10 to recognize stocks and realty categories; fix page backward button for Form 6.1. Version 8.11 - Enable Correct Form 4.0 checkbox tag. Version 8.12 - Display menu tags for Form 6.0 front and back; enable checkbox on Form 4.0; add checkbox to Form 12.0. Version 8.13 - Correct some variable assignments on Form 8.0. Version 8.14 - Correct variable assignments Form 7.0 (display only). Version 8.15 - Implement remove birth date command to Kin Worksheet; improved user error trapping. Version 8.16 - Update Print Select dialog Executor Fee Computation link; reassign various Print Select dialog links; disable/reserve attorney fee computation form; reformat Computation of Executor/Administrator Fee form; Form 5.10 make real estate field overrideable. Version 8.17 - Change behavior of RefreshClick routine so pages are refreshed when field-dependent changes are made on the worksheet. Version 8.18 - Update Fiduciary's Acceptance form. Version 8.19/8.20 - Shorten tree view labels to avoid wrapping; correct calculation of Executor's fee involving non-probate assets. Version 8.21 - Enable Display menu back side selections (i.e., 6.1, 13.1, 13.2). Version 8.22 - Update Form 4.0; enable sorting of Asset, Expense & Kin worksheets. Version 8.23 - Fix error that occurs when cancelling our of multi-form dialog; make Form 4.0 update optional. Version 8.24 - Correct typo on Form 4.0 (screen only); enable Kin Worksheet Phone No. field. Version 8.25 - Implement paging keys for Form 24.0; Correct form 5.3 misspelling. Version 8.26 - Activate Fiduciary's Acceptance page 2 from the Display menu; correct the tag for Form 24.0 tangible personal property field; allow selection of page2 Form 24.6 from tree view/display via paging button; add total of estimated payments for Form 24.4. Version 8.27 - Extend blank lines in all judgment entries; add Adjust Memo Font function (Option) for certain graphics adapters. Version 8.28 - Add Memo font adjust slider for fine tuning memos on certain systems; fix persistency of Other Disbursements category on Expense Worksheet. Version 8.29 - Kin Worksheet - put Form 4.4 checkbox in correct order; correct Relief from Admin row index error (Calc26). Version 8.30 - Implement history list for Mac version; update 1108 error message; reset Form 6.3 link in Form Select dialog; remove Form 6.3AA checkbox from Form Select dialog. Version 8.31 Correct var id of surviving spouse affidavit, par 3; the ability to clear form 5.6 accounts to be released checkbox; move clear worksheet from buttons to popup menu; add Form 5.11 to Display menu; update affidavits. Version 8.32 - Revise Surviving Spouse Affidavit; initial MacOS64 version. Version 8.33 - Make window magnification persistent for dual monitors; fix 5.1 display menu item; fix error printing enclosure letter: accounting. Version 8.34 - Remove Display menu. Version 8.35 - Restore Display menu. Version 8.36 - Update StrToDate routine Str2Date; slash trap in worksheet Description boxes. Version 8.37 - Implement ParseAddress routine for Filing enclosure letter; auto transfer Applicant phone number to Kin Worksheet; update title of Form 13.7 to include Consent; update Forms 6.0, 7.1, 8.3 effective October 1, 2020. Version 8.38 - Correct Form 13.7 caption, screen and printout. Version 8.39 - Correct typo in Form 2.4 RTF & PSF; remove Commissioner's Report references from Print Select Dialog and Asset Worksheet's Send To dialog; add click and load function; reset tag on 2nd checkbox on Form 5.0 (no will). Version 8.40 - Update Word detection routines for recent Office 365 change; update Form 7.0A. Version 8.41 - Modify Computation of Executors Fee form field. Version 8.42 - Enhance MS Word detection. Version 8.43 - Update BMV Form 3773, Surviving Spouse Vehicle Affidavit. Version 8.44 - Update worksheets to trap for Next key. Version 8.45 - Fix open/save dialogs to regain focus on return. Version 8.46 - Update window sizing sensor for displays like Surface Pro (200%); fix override function; adjust persistency of expense category selection. Version 8.47 - Fix Gen Info (calc0) error. Version 8.48 - Enable Override command; correct checkbox treatment on Form 9.C. Version 8.49 - Restore image to AssetWorksheet Refresh button; fix ARM cpu update function; adjust Select Directory dialog for persistency. Version 8.50 - Fix Commissioner checkbox on Form 5.6; modify page break on printing Form 10.0 (pages 1 & 2); fix Print Worksheet command for Mac version.

Business Record Book for Corporations, Professional Associations & Limited Liability Companies



Version 1.01 - Initial release and test auto update function. Version 1.02 - Enable function to open by double-clicking cl1 file; adjust RTF page breaks; update PSF screen files; add screens & enable additional tree view and display menu clicks. Version 1.03 - Enable print Form 533A checkbox. Version 1.04 - replace corrupt Stock Certificate PSF file. Version 1.05 - Mac 64-bit version. Version 1.06 - Replace screen page 1 of Operating Agreement. Version 1.07 - Update all Secretary of State forms. Version 1.08 - Update all Secretary of State forms & Operating Agreement.

Cuyahoga County Probate Forms



Version 4.00 - Initial Release. Version 4.01 - Test auto update version. Version 4.02/4.03 - Add missing defaults to create answer; answer.pas; TAnswer.Create; i.e., NoOfCommRep := 0; fix import function of Time/Services Worksheet. Version 4.04 - Statutory update of Forms 5.1 and 6.0. Version 4.05 - Add and modify Display menu items; add Form 5.9 Distribution Date field to Asset Worksheet. Version 4.06 - Add Insert Today function; fix Distributee dialog''s selection on entry; new attorney fee computation sheet; correct menu label for importing cy3 file. Version 4.07/4.08 - Add new Report of Newly Discovered Assets and Judgment Entry; modify handling Executor Fee Computation error. Version 4.09 - Add and update overflow error messages. Version 4.10 - Adjust application of percentages on computation of attorney fee form. Version 4.11 - Enable Form 4.0 checkbox. Version 4.12 - Add additional checkbox to Form 12.0 "There has been no administration ... ". Version 4.13 - Add function for clearing the date field on the Kin worksheet. Version 4.14 - Fix alternate Display menu links to Form 6.0 (front & back); fix Print Select of Form 6.3 & 6.3AA. Version 4.15 - Add ability to erase mistakenly-started 13.1 and replace with blank worksheet (t.o.) for special circumstances requiring a blank-form filing. Version 4.16 - Correct Display menu link for General Information Worksheet; correct error in TempCommReport calc routine; update error message for Form 9.0 overflow. Version 4.17 - Enable printing of Form 6.4A. Version 4.18 - Enable printing of Form 6.4A; correct action of Form 24.4 check box on Expense Worksheet. Version 4.19/4.20 - Kin Worksheet - correct Form 4.4 checkbox; update Form 6.4A; add Form 6.4C; modify Kin Worksheet for additional 6.4C checkbox. Version 4.21 - Correct Display menu links to Form 5.10 front & back; add Form 5.11 & Commissioner's Report to Display menu'; reformat Display menu; update affidavits. Version 4.22/4.23 - Correct typo in Form Select Dlg, item 6.3AA; slash (/) trap in Asset, Expense, & Time Worksheet Description box; modify Date field handling of Will enclosure letter; modify Form 5.6 Category label; modify field flags for Accounts to be released checkboxes. Version 4.24 - Add ability to print Form 7.0A from Form Select dialog. Version 4.25/4.26 - Mac64 version; update Str2Date & Convert Date Routines. Version 4.27 - Add 10th class to Form 24.4 Expense Worksheet; add paging buttons to Form 26. Version 4.28 - Enable viewing/printing of CPID continuation pages. Version 4.29 - Update Word detection routines for recent Office 365 change; update Form 7.0A. Version 4.30 - Update BMV Form 3773. Version 4.31 - Fix Open/Save dialogs to regain focus on return. Version 4.32 - Update Form 8.3. Version 4.33/4.34/4.36 - Update Forms 6.0 and 6.1. Version 4.35 - Update Microsoft Word detection. Version 4.37/4.38 - Update following forms: General Information Worksheet, Form 1.0, Form 3.0, Form 4.0, Form 7.0; update Override command. Version 4.39 - Add Adjust Memo Font command to Options menu; fix print pagination Form 13.1 back; fix font Form 6.0 back. Version 4.40 - Modify Default Directory dialog; ARM download modification; override command adjustment. Version 4.41 - Modify Form 2.0 RTF for printing. Version 4.42 - Add click and load function (tested & it works); modify Form 5.0 RTF for printing. Version 4.43 - Correct Form 6.3/6.4C Kin Worksheet column label. Version 4.44 - Fix prechecking of SelectForm dialog, ExecFeeComp checkbox (1/4/24); Mac Sonoma version.

Deed & Document Pro



Version 6.01 - Test auto update function. Version 6.02 - Durable power of attorney, living will declaration, and surviving spouse affidavit template and app modifications. Version 6.03 - Enable Display menu for low resolution monitors. Version 6.04 - Correct auto-completion of Trustee in Revocable Trust; adjust top margins of recordable instruments. Version 6.05 - Update check/fix Quit-Claim template. Version 6.06 - Update check/fix Transfer on Death Designation Affidavit. Version 6.07 - Fix history list; modify statutory section reference in durable power of attorney. Version 6.08 - Correct agent's signature line on power of attorney form. Version 6.09 - Update default file to correct typo in warranty deed exceptions; update warranty deed template grantee name replaced by rtf code; correct verb number in Warranty deed witness clause; enable signature lines for quit-claim deed; fix/check satisfaction of mortgage template. Version 6.10 - Remove rtf code from Mortgage Deed; enable signature lines for Mortgage Deed; avoid random d2d1.dll in Mortgage Deed. Version 6.11 - Run check/fix on templates modifying pgs 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 29, 31; modify generic will's specific bequest property. description. Version 6.12 - Add digital rights management to durable power of attorney. Version 6.13 - Extension of durable power of attorney for health care to cover protected health information (HIPAA). Version 6.14 - Add provision for alternate attorney-in-fact in durable power of attorney. Version 6.15 - Modification to first sentence of Health Care POA. Version 6.16 - Living Will Declaration: transfer Declarant's name to notary clause. Version 6.17 - Modify preparer information on Quit-Claim Deed. Version 6.18 - Update all notary clauses. Version 6.19 - Correct preparer's information on Quit-Claim deed. Version 6.20 - Check/fix Warranty Deed, Affidavit of Domicile.  Version 6.21 - Screen only typo fixed on durable power of attorney; printouts not affected; strike repealed section cites from notification to principal. Version 6.22/6.23 - Revise durable Power of Attorney. Version 6.24 - Mac 64-bit. Version 6.25 - Dower clause modification on deeds; modify notary clause on deeds. Version 6.26 - Dower clause modification on deeds; modify Survivorship Affidavit; add auto-complete to Health Care Power of Attorney. Version 6.27 - Dower Clause modification on deeds. Version 6.28 - Revisions to generic will. Version 6.29 - Update Override command . Version 6.30 - Fix Var 12 on Surviving Spouse Affidavit. Version 6.31 - ARM update fix; update notary clause for acknowledgment eff 4/1/23. Version 6.32 - Update deeds with dower clauses; add signature line. Version 6.33 - Reformat paragraph 2 of TOD confirmation affidavit. Version 6.34 - Update notary clause to allow overrides.

Franklin County Probate Forms



Version 8.01 - Test automatic upgrade. Version 8.02 - Insert missing PSF files into InstallShield; add Form 2.D to calculation routine; correct identity for "domiciled" field of Form 4.5. Version 8.03 - Add computation of executor fee to calc list. Version 8.04 - Correct typo in Form 13.0 category.  Version 8.05 - Worksheet draw cell color correction in Mac version; FitText adjustment for lines with CRs; Mac formatting adjustments; correction for Mac 1701 error. Version 8.06 - Fix checkboxes on Forms 12.0 and 12.1; correct typo on Form 12.0. Version 8.07 - Modify column graphics of Time/Services Worksheet. Version 8.08 - Kin worksheet Form 6.0 checkbox correction; add worksheet last row delete protect. Version 8.09 - Add Insert Today routine; update Forms 5.1 and 6.0 for new exemption values, etc.. Version 8.10 - Update Forms 4.0, 7.0, 7.0A, 12.1A, 13.6A, 13.8, 13.10. Version 8.11 - Update Form E-12.0; implement auto-calculation of Form 1.R2. Version 8.12 - Update all affidavits to comply with 9/19 statutory change. Version 8.13 - Update the following forms: 4.1A, 5.0F, 5.1, 5.6B, 1.P. Version 8.14 - Correct screen caption for Form 3.0B. Version 8.15 - Mac OSX 64-bit upgrade. Version 8.16 - Update default file for probate judge's name. Version 8.17 - Fix Time/Services Worksheet printout. Version 8.18 - Update Word detection routines for recent Office 365 change; update Form 7.0A. Version 8.19 - Update BMV Form 3773; update Forms 2.0, 4.0, 12.0; update default file for judge's name; trap worksheet range error on Next. Version 8.20 - Fix open/save dialogs to regain focus on return. Version 8.21 - Update forms. Version 8.22 - Update Select Directory dialog. Version 8.23 - Update StrToInt routine. Version 8.25 - Update Form 13.0 & 13.1; Mac Sonoma bug fix. Version 8.26 - Update Form 12.1 (Judge's name).

Hamilton County Probate Forms



Version 3.01 - Automatic version upgrade.  Version 3.02 - Update affidavits (statutory update 9/2019). Version 3.03/3.04 - Mac 64-bit upgrade. Version 3.05 - Update Word detection routines for recent Office 365 change; update Form 7.0A. Version 3.06 - Modify Default Directory dialog; ARM download modification; override command adjustment. Version 3.07 - Periodic update of forms.




Version 4.00 - New forms effective 8/1/15. Version 4.01 - Test automatic update function. Version 4.02 - New ErrorWindow routine with overriding provisions; correct field variables on GFE. Version 4.03 - Prohibit rounding of short dollar amounts. Version 4.04 - Remove overrideables from seller's column of HUD-1. Version 4.05 - Fix corrupt RTF file for printing page 1 of Closing Disclosure. Version 4.06 - Remove memory leak test results; default HUD 1 division of commission to Seller's column; Loan ID transferring to Closing Disclosure. Version 4.07 - Make Closing Disclosure overrideables optional; default HUD 1 division of transfer taxes (1204 & 1205) to Seller's column; parse names for multiple buyers & sellers; default signature date from closing date field. Version 4.08 - Implement V4.07 changes; HUD 1A - 3rd address line in print/preview. Version 4.09 - Enable section M of Closing Disclosure. Version 4.10 - Adjust treatment of HUD1 lines 1204/1205; remove Seller 1201/1203 values to GFE; enable printing of HUD1 Seller only copy in legal size. Version 4.11 - Activate HUD1 lines 904/905. Version 4.12 - Cosmetic modifications to RTF print templates; explanation dialog added to LE2CD button action; error messages for using both normal and alternate CD page 2; correct seller only printout of CD. Version 4.13 - Modify calculation of HUD1, Page 2, Series 1000. Version 4.14 - Enable previewing of Form 1099S. Version 4.15 - Recompile print template for 2-column Closing Disclosure, page 1. Version 4.16 - Change Closing Disclosure, page 3, line K03 to include Lender Credits; add Mac OSX Office 365 recognition. Version 4.17 -  Add signature lines to all versions of Closing Disclosure, page 5; correct loan id field on Closing Disclosure, page 5; fix Closing Disclosure page 4, AIR table; include extended Closing Disclosure, page 2 in page 3, line K03. Version 4.18 - Fix access violation when printing; minor modifications to variable types on CD, pg 2; RTF formatting adjustments. Version 4.19 - Enable p/o of two CFPB Closing Disclosure p4 escrow descriptions.  Version 4.20 - Modify Closing Disclosure page 5; default checkboxes & % field. Version 4.21 - Add Insert Today routine; modify Table of Contents & Tutorial links in Help menu; correct variable assignments for Seller's Modified Closing Disclosure Contact Information. Version 4.22/4.23/4.24 - Add Seller versions of Page 2a & 2b Closing Disclosure. Version 4.25 - Update Form 1099-S; 1st Mac64 Version. Version 4.26 - Update Form 1099-S; Mac Sonoma fix.

Law Office Management



Version 5.01 - Modify auto upgrade function; fix BBase5 file autoload function. Version 5.02 - Fix help file links and manual; timer link. Version 5.03 - Adjust BillB5 paths to avoid file not found errors on certain systems when printing bills. Version 5.04 - Fix itemized statement function; add Set Default Hourly Rate to Options menu. Version 5.05 - Fix itemized statement delete function; add menus; add trapping. Version 5.06 - Avoid BillB5 print error on reinstalls. Version 5.07 - BillB5: Automatic backup for itemized statements; fix calculation of total hours on itemized statements; add horizontal space to bill address areas; CBase5: Remove memMemo label from memo component; address issues related to mem file synch errors. Version 5.08 - CBase5: Fix Select All/None commands to eliminate invalid pointer error; modify Restore command. Version 5.09 - CBase5: Fix Show/Hide Column function; add accelerator commands for; additional mods to backup/restore. Version 5.10 - BillB5 - Clear bill image between successive bills to prevent overprinting. Version 5.11 - CBase5: Don't find deleted records; skip deleted records when scrolling; modify Pack function; avoid errors deleting multiple records. Version 5.12 - CBase5: Fix auto client numbering whebn adding more than 100 names in a day; fix exporting filtered names; fix filter restoring deleted names . Version 5.13 - BBase5 - Stop accessing deleted CBase5 records; fix cancel filter from undeleting records; BillB5 - Stop accessing deleted CBase5 & BBase5 records. Version 5.14 - BillB5: add traps for missing itemized statements; fix bill repeat on periodic billing; add client name to itemized statement. Version 5.15 - All: Add Registry persistency for updating; BillB5: Fix deleted itemized statement entries appearing in bills. Version 5.16 - CBase5: Start new range error fix; BBase5: Present windows on last entry, sort filter client number drop down, expand file exists filename definition. Version 5.17 - CBase5: Add memolist error trapping; BBase5: Improve auto completion; BillB5: Alphabetize client selector drop down; set active control in client drop down; credit balance designation; add shorthand feature; modify import calendar function of itemized statement. Version 5.18 - BillB5: retain itemized statement references after period printing. Version 5.19 - BillB5: Fix deleted IS from bill totals; sorting by last name after save. Versions 5.20/5.21 - BillB5: Fix deleted IS from bill totals; changing bill labels to reflect "credit" balances. Version 5.22 - CBase5: Fix laser label printing function. Version 5.23 - BillB5: Modify calendar backup/restore function. Version 5.24 - BillB5: Note persistency between successive periodic billing files; BBase5: Populate account field on new records from history. Version 5.25 - BillB5: Correct calculation of interest on unpaid bills. 

Living Trust & Estate Planner



Version 3.01-3.05 - Auto update test. Version 3.06 - Modify nomination of guardian clause in power of attorney; allow overriding of testator in pour over will. Version 3.07 - Enable overrideable memos on Revocable Living Trust. Version 3.08 - Add missing template files to install. Version 3.09/3.10/3.11 - Enable override guardian/successor guardian fields on power of attorney. Version 3.12 - Modify Power of Attorney form for handling guardians/co-guardians. Version 3.13 - Modify override of name of attorney field in the power of attorney. Version 3.14 - Enable Preferences Dialog in Mac OSX version. Version 3.15/3.16 - Update notary clauses. Version 3.17 - Update Durable Power of Attorney. Version 3.18 - Mac 64-bit version and miscellaneous other modifications. Version 3.19/3.20 - Pour Over Will modifications. Version 3.21 - Enable override of memo fields.

Official Bankruptcy Forms



Version 10.00 - Initial release with new forms effective 4/1/2018. Version 10.01 - Test automatic upgrade function. Version 10.02 - New means test data effective 4/1/18. Version 10.03 - New means test data effective 5/1/18. Version 10.04 - Remove bk9 reference in untitled files; enable Save/Save As error trap; enhance naming of untitled files. Version 10.05 - Extend schedule depth from 40 to 100 pages; new means test information. Version 10.06 - Enable 4-line address to creditor's matrix. Version 10.07 - Update means test date effective 4/1/19; correct question number (6) in Statement of Affairs (screen & printout); update Form 106C, 107, 122A-2, 122C-2. Version 10.08 - Correct dependent count on Form 103B; update 5/1/19 means test released 4/15/19. Version 10.09 - Update federal exemption file. Version 10.10 - Make overrideable fields darker blue color; modify Options|Default Location|B10 reference; update Ohio exemption files. Version 10.11 - October 1, 2019 changes to Form 122A-1 & 122C-1 (HAVEN Act); correct typo in Statement of Financial Affairs, part 3, item 6; add Matrix uppercase/lowercase option. Version 10.12 - Update means test data effective November 1, 2019. Version 10.13 - Fix Line 15a calculation on Form 122C1. Version 10.14 -12/19 update to Form 122A-1. Version 10.15 - Update Chapter 13 plan (Q. 3.4). Version 10.16 - Update form(s) effective 2/19/20). Version 10.17 - Update California exemption tables; new median income means test data. Version 10.18 - Update 4/20 Forms 101, 122-A, & 122- C. Version 10.19 - Voluntary Petition, Page 4, Line 13 checkbox import fix; Form 122C-1, Page 3, Line 17 checkbox fix. Version 10.20 - Update for means test data effective 5/1/20; SSN fix for Form 121. Version 10.21 - Reorder pages of assembled petition; Mac OSX64 compatibility. Version 10.22 - Fix Options menu to get rid of invalid typecast; add Arkansas to means test state files. Version 10.23/10.24 - Correct caption in Master Creditor dialog; enable InstallShield Master Creditor install type; add Print Sequence items to Options menu; add associated menu items and checkmarks for print sequence status. Version 10.25 - Update means test data effective 11/1/2020; fix field (Line 39) on Form 122-c, page 7; fix field (Line 8) on Summary page. Version 10.26 - Add Sched G & H entries to the creditors matrix; new Means Test Median Income Data. Version 10.27 - Means test data effective 5/15/21. Version 10.28 - Expand matrix creation to include Scheds G & H in PDF format. Version 10.29 - Means test update effective 4/1/22. Version 10.30 - Update for means test changes; update federal exemptions (effective 5/15/2022). Version 10.31/10.32 - Update Form 101, 122C-1 screens; update Form 122A-1 screens & printout. Version 10.33 - Update Form 101, effective 6/21/22. Version 10.34 - Update median income figures effective 11/1/22. Version 10.35 - Enable Override button; update Form 101, effective 12/12/2022; correct Creditor's Matrix first entry; fix Get & Put Creditor from Master Database. Version 10.36 - Modify Form 122C-1 line 14 to Form122C-2 line 39. Version 10.37 - Update median income figures effective 4/1/23. Version 10.38/10.39 - New BALE figures effective 5/15/23; correct Form 122C-1 transfer to Form 106Summ line 8. Version 10.40 - New median income means test data effective 11/1/23. Version 10.42 - New median income means test effective 4/1/24; base page mod affecting summary calculation.

Ohio Adoption Forms



Version 4.01 - Version test for automatic update. Version 4.02 - Enable manual & tutorial; update directory references in default locations dialog; update Form 19.0. Version 4.03 - Update caption of About dialog; modify worksheet on change behavior re: ModifiedFile flag; adjust screen set widths for better setup on a wider variety of monitors. Version 4.04 - Multiple enhancements to worksheet screen. Version 4.05 - Modify FitText for worksheet descriptions with carriage returns; minor code cleanup.  Version 4.06 - Fix for FitText unit; modify date string error trapping; update Form HEA2757 (effective 8/2015); correct typos in Form 18.9 Petitioner's Account.  Version 4.07 - Re-implement V4.06 changes; upgrade to XE7. Version 4.08 - Update Word detection routines for Windows and Mac. Version 4.09 - Update forms effective 3/1/17. Version 4.10 - Implement updated SetPageProperties routine. Version 4.11 - Add worksheet last row deletion protection. Version 4.12 & 4.13 - Fix transfer of address from gen info worksheet to Form 18.0 page 3. Version 4.14/4.15 - MacOS64 version; update copyright notice, minor misc; Main.pas, ClearPage update. Version 4.16 - Fix open/save dialogs to regain focus on return. Version 4.17 Adjust print margins; update Word detection routine. Version 4.18 - Update Form HEA 2757; update override function; click and load added. Version 4.19 - Update Form HEA 2757 & Form 18.9. Version 4.20 - Form 18.8 correction.

Ohio Business Dissolution Kit



Version 2.01 - Version test for automatic update. Version 2.02 - Update About dialog caption; add co rep to directory (auto); minor adjustment to handling of checkboxes on Form 562, page 1 & Form 563, page 1.  Version 2.03 - Update Forms 560, 561 and D-5; enhanced MS Word detection; add deleting temporary file function; add Shrink Font function for better screen rendering on Macs and older computers; check menu underscores. Version 2.04 - Enable Help buttons; revise Form D-5. Version 2.05 - Mac64 version. Version 2.06 - forms update; mac ARM update.

Ohio Business Forms



Version 3.01 - Test auto update functionality. Version 3.02 - Update PTF print format files for Mac version.  Version 3.03 - Update Forms 560 & 561 (PSF & RTF); Word detection enhanced; add deleting temporary file function; add Shrink Font function for better screen rendering on Macs and older computers; check menu underscores. Version 3.04 - Update complete form set; update StartWordProcessor routine; correct tree view focus for Form 533B. Version 3.05 - Update complete form set. Version 3.06 - Fix state field error (display only) on Form 521; update test.ob3 file; add missing RTF files to installer; Mac OSX additions. Version 3.07 - Mac 64-bit update and miscellaneous Win & Mac fixes.

Ohio Guardianship Forms



Version 6.00 - Initial Release. Version 6.01 - Auto update test revision. Version 6.02/6.03 - Adjust default locations. Version 6.04 - Do not allow deleting last worksheet row; tables must contain at least one blank row; fix rounding of displays; allow CRs in memo fields. Version 6.05 - Reform sample and test gd6 files; update Form 17.7. Version 6.06 - Update General Information Worksheet tags. Version 6.07 - Enable Force Word, Force WordPad, and Find Word commands. Version 6.08 - Update form 17.5. Version 6.09 - Add worksheet last row deletion protection; fix Time/Services worksheet printout. Version 6.10 - Add Insert Today routine; fix date field of Time/Services Worksheet; fix short fields (REDUCE TEXT) on Time/Services Exhibit. Version 6.11 - Adjust printing of Time/Services Worksheet and Exhibit. Version 6.12 - Adjust printing of Time/Services Worksheet and Exhibit; page cut off. Version 6.13 - Modify worksheets for systems that black line grid view; adjust tree view item wrapping for certain monitors; Later release under same number - OSX CR+LF correction. Version 6.14 - Update Form 17.5 (printed version). Version 6.15 - Make GhostPrompts setting off on default (Options menu) persistent; Mac64 version. Version 6.16/Version 6.17 - Update screen for Form 27.9; update several first tab settings. Version 6.18 - Statutory updates to Forms 17.8 & 27.7. Version 6.19 - Trap illegal use of Next/Prior keys in worksheets (i.e., list index error). Version 6.21 - Update Microsoft Word detection. Version 6.22 - Mac ARM version; double-click file autoload feature added. Version 6.23 - Enable override command.

Ohio Spousal Support Calculator



Version 27.00/27.01 - Test auto upgrade.  Version 27.02 - Update to newly released 2024 IRS tax data.

Revised Ohio Child Support Guidelines



Version 11.01 - Test for automatic version updating.  Version 11.02 - Modify Import R10 function to eliminate conversion error import. Version 11.03 - Update Options menu to new default locations. Version 11.04 - Update 2019 minimum wage, std deduction, etc.; correct sole/shared line 30 typo; add option for $336T limit; update to latest ODJFS information. Version 11.05 - Update Help menu; update PSF file formatting; adjust RTF file margins for printing short forms; fix import function for parenting arrangement. Version 11.06 - Update DAT files; update tabbing order on all PSF files. Version 11.07 - Correct sole/shared short form breakdown; update short form RTFs to avoid printing error; reverse version no/file name field ids at bottom of short form. Version 11.08 - Correct misspelling in sole/shared long screen; reposition Deviation buttons and enable Deviation buttons in short form view. Version 11.09 - Make support scheduler invisible; correction to schedule lookup for shaded area; more than 3 children. Version 11.10 - Help on line number implemented in popup menu; update signature line designations on sole/shared long form; recompile PSF button changes (11.08). Version 11.11 - Reformat sole/shared short form (page 15.rtf); enforce 960 minimum on Line 18d. Version 11.12 - Error trap Deviation Dialog for bad Day entries; correct typo on page 2 RTF, Line 9; correct rounding error on line 21o; enforce 4-decimal place percentages; adjust Line 9's minimum implementation; update deviation dialog label delete word "annual". Version 11.13 - Update Deviation Dialog label delete word "annual"; update Deviation Dialog caption; fix broken Line 25 help link; update sole/shared short form column heading in PSF file. Version 11.14 - Refine Check File results; convert child care age category codes to text; fix split parental short form summary; remove open recent list box. Version 11.15 - Remove redundant deviation checkbox for zeroing support (screen & p/o); correct typo in line 28 screen; page 19 RTF missing from Mac deployment; clarify Line 21h description (Split Lines 21m & 21n). Version 11.16 - Fix Parent B deviation dialog calc for time of possession. Version 11.17/11.18/11.19 - Fix Parent B Line 25a override; blank sole/shared lines 26 and 29 when no deviation; blank split lines 27 and 30 when no deviation; correct typo in sole/shared short form; adjust deviation by time in split worksheet. Version 11.20/11.21 - Sole/Shared deviation adjustment for Col B obligors with adjustments. Version 11.22/11.23 - Format adjustments for Mac OS X screens; adjust line 23b text height; replace 'X's w/black squares in split worksheet. Version 11.24 - Mac fix for PDF directory location; add ability to detect active worksheet via estimator; 2020 tax update; update Ohio minimum wage; introduce Mac 64-bit version. Version 11.25 - Error trap - using Display menu vs. tree view. Version 11.26 - Restore Display menu. Version 11.27 - Add language to Line 19a sole/shared printout; update minimum wage; check tax updates. Version 11.28/11.29 - Modify Child Care calc (line 21) for Parent B; change Child Care limit 3000 to 8000; update FederalChildCarePercentage routine in Misc.pas. Version 11.30 - Adjust support table lookup for cases with 7 or more children and income levels in the SSR; Microsoft Office 365 latest update adjustment. Version 11.31 - Make line 21g overrideable; add checkbox for switching in and out of 2021 special calculation for child care expenses. Version 11.32 - Adjust WinWord detection routine; update Select Directory routine to FMX; modify Line 27 of split worksheet; correct display, calculation correct. Version 11.33 - Update Ohio increase in minimum wage. Version 11.34 - Update American Rescue Plan checkbox; compile Mac ARM version; modify split parental child care calculation; update Ohio's minimum wage. Version 11.35 - Update child support schedule in accordance with ORC effective 6/1/23. Version 11.36 - Allow switching between old and new child support schedules. Version 11.37 - Update new child support schedule. Version 11.38 - Spanish update (sole/res worksheet only); Sonoma bug fix for Macs. Version 11.39 - 2024 update.

Uniform Domestic Relations Forms



Version 4.01 - Auto upgrade test. Version 4.02/4.03 -  Recompile. Version 4.04 - Correct PSF typo on Form 21, Page 2; correct PSF typo on Form 21, Page 17; revise child logic on Forms 20 & 21; add missing Mac PSF files. Version 4.05 - Fix transfer of bankruptcy continuation value to Affidavit 2, Page 5. Version 4.06 - Fix "Neither party owns ... " checkboxes on form 19-Separation Agreement. Version 4.07 - Fix Affidavit 1 to include college loan expense in subtotal. Version 4.08 - Correct variable on account worksheet; change variable definition for rounding in Misc/InsertString; fix Affidavit 2, Page 4, Separate Property Claimant. Version 4.09 - Correct Form 19 Defendant's accounts; add Name Restoration checkbox to Gen Info Wrksht & modify all dependent forms; modify field length for previous name on all screens. Version 4.10 - Fix refresh/clear function of Affidavit 2, Page 4; update PSF pages 11, 37, & 38; add PDF resources, JFS IV-D Form, Objections Waiver; Affidavit 1, Page 2, Recalculate base yearly income. Version 4.11 - Field handling of blanks, zeroes & zero suppression; allow non-numeric entries in numeric fields; add autocomplete fields to Divorce w/children; add autocomplete fields to Counterclaim w/children. Version 4.12 - Fix corrupt PSF files Form 19; add missing PSF files to Form 22. Version 4.13 - Modify print routine for certain systems; modify save/write ini routines; correct tree view & display menu name of Form 24; implement June 1, 2021 revisions. Version 4.14 - Printing update for Office 365 test Word install; modify handling of social security numbers; enable Affidavit 1, Page 8 printing; update tree view and display menu. Version 4.15 - Enable ForceWordPad command (8/9/21); Affidavit 2 calculation fixes. Version 4.16 - Fix email transfer for Affidavit 1, page 1. Version 4.17 - Add default 'NONE' designation to Affidavit 2. Version 4.18 - Modify variable assignments on page 2 of Answer w/o children. Version 4.19 - Fix override/cancel override command; fix Affidavit 1, Page 2, Average yearly; remove zero suppression from Affidavit 1. Version 4.20 - Update revision date on Affidavit 2.

U.S. Income Tax for Estates and Trusts - Form 1041



Version 27.01 - Auto upgrade test. Version 27.02 - Fix tx of data from Sch G to Pg 1 ln 26; Mac Sonoma retina update. Version 27.03/27.04 - Update to latest release of IRS forms. Version 27.05 - Update to latest IRS publications. Version 27.07 - Modify K-1 allocation routine. Version 27.08 - Update Form 1041, screen page 3. Version 27.09 - Fix error on import. Version 27.10 - Modify tax computation on page 2 of Schedule D.

U.S. Estate Tax - Form 706



For Dates of Death in 2023. Version 27.00/27.01 - Initial release & auto upgrade test. Version 27.02 - IRS publication of 2023 instructions, worksheets, tables, etc. Version 27.03 - Extend estimated asset table.

U.S. Gift Tax - Form 709



For Gifts Made in 2023. Version 27.00/27.01 - Initial release & auto upgrade test. Version 27.02/27.03 - Activate import command. Version 27.04 - Update Prior Periods Worksheet - calc19; update new release of IRS final forms; update screens for new IRS forms. Version 27.05 - Remove "Draft" designation on page 1. Version 27.06 - Add overrideable fields to Schedule A. Version 27.07 - Update prior taxable gift table.

Wrongful Death & Minor's Claims



Version 5.00 - Initial release. Version 5.01 - Test automatic upgrade function. Version 5.02/5.03 - Adjust setup of application screen width and tree width for better viewing on all monitors. Version 5.04 - Minor program enhancements; avoid refresh/update issues. Version 5.05 - Standardize handling of ini file. Version 5.06 - Enable Form 22.1 to be previewed as a single page. Version 5.07 - Modify line breaks in memo descriptions containing carriage returns. Version 5.08/5.09 - Update for forms effective January 1, 2015; update for claims of adult wards; substantial programming/worksheet enhancements. Version 5.10 - Code signed; adjustment to preview/print function.Version 5.12 Mac64 release; misc. Version 5.13 - Modify Form 14.0 variable identities for full/partial fields. Version 5.14 - Update For 14.0. Version 5.15 - Update Microsoft Word detection. Version 5.16 - Fix override; update Override function; autoload on file double-click. Version 5.17 - Update all PSF files.

Upgrades - Free vs. Pay

The above list includes all of our current programs and contains the full product name, abbreviated name, current version and miscellaneous notes. The information contained in this list is subject to change without notice.

Minor upgrades are reflected in changes in the version number to the right of the decimal. Major upgrades usually, but not always, involve a change to the left of the decimal in the version number. Unless otherwise noted, minor upgrades are free until the release of a subsequent major upgrade. For example, upgrading from Version 5.10 to Version 5.30 of Basic Ohio Probate Forms is free. However, upgrading from Version 4.5 to Version 5 would not be free.