Puritas Springs Software

Living Trust & Estate Planner

Living Trust & Estate Planner

Regular price $129.00 USD
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Living Trust & Estate Planner 

The latest update to our Living Trust & Estate Planner (Trust) software combines user-friendly advancements with robust document automation capabilities. It provides an integrated environment where all estate planning documents are accessible from one scrollable window, enhancing efficiency and ease of use. 

Document Automation Features 

Trust is equipped with powerful tools designed to streamline the preparation of wills, trusts, living wills, durable powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, HIPAA forms, DNRs, and more. With Trust, you can focus more on content and less on formatting and editing. Additionally, the redesigned format improves document readability and handling. 

Integrated Worksheets. The Personal Information and Child Worksheets are central to the application, automatically transferring needed data across documents. 

Global Variables. Commonly used information, like attorney name and address, can be instantly applied to any document. 

Setting Defaults. Trust uses a default file to pre-populate fields consistently across different clients, streamlining the document setup process. 

Modifying Templates. Using Microsoft Word, customize documents to fit local practices or insert specific clauses, ensuring all new documents include these personalized touches. 

Cost-Effective and Efficient 

No Recurring Fees. Trust is offered at a cost-effective rate of approximately $21.67 per year, providing hundreds of pages of essential estate planning documents without any hidden fees for technical support or additional costs. 

Seamless Word Processor Integration. Previewing and printing are performed in Microsoft Word, leveraging familiar tools and workflows to ensure ease of use and flexibility. 

 The Problem and the Solution 

Many estate planning solutions are either overly simplistic or excessively complex. Trust fills the gap, offering a sophisticated yet accessible tool suitable for small to medium-sized law offices that serve everyday people. 

Additional Features 

Ghost Prompts and Balloon Hints. Assistive text and hints guide data entry, enhancing accuracy and reducing the learning curve. 

Online Resources. Direct links to helpful information about each document type are available within the application. 

Compatibility. Works with Windows 11, 10, 8 and Mac OSX 10.8 or higher. Microsoft Word is required.  

Experience a New Level of Document Preparation 

Trust not only simplifies the process of creating and managing estate planning documents but also ensures that you are well-equipped to meet the needs of your clients efficiently. This tool is an indispensable asset for any law office focused on providing thorough and precise estate planning services. 

List of Integrated Documents


  • Personal Information

  • Children

  • Tangible Personal Property

  • Real Property

  • Business Interests

  • Bank Accounts

  • Stocks & Bonds

  • Insurance

  • Retirement

  • Miscellaneous

Planning Documents:

  • Revocable Living Trust

  • Revocable Credit Shelter/Marital Trust

  • Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

  • Irrevocable QTIP Trust

  • Irrevocable Discretionary Trust

  • Irrevocable Qualified Personal Residence Trust

  • Simple Will

  • Pour Over Will

  • Durable Power of Attorney

    • Notice to Principal

    • Notice to Agent/Attorney

  • HIPAA Authority

  • Health Care Power of Attorney

  • Living Will Declaration

  • Do Not Resuscitate Order

Transfer Documents:

  • Bill of Transfer to Trust

  • Anatomical Gift

  • Inter Vivos Gift

  • Deed of Gift

  • Acceptance of Gift

  • Renunciation of Gift

  • Transfer on Death Designation Affidavit

  • Warranty Deed with Survivorship

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